1. Electronic Delivery Terms
By clicking “Accept” below, you agree to accept
delivery of your deposit account documents electronically by Best Financial
Credit Union (Credit Union). The following terms and conditions apply to our
electronic delivery and your receipt of deposit account documents:
2. Deposit Account Documents
Your electronically
delivered deposit account documents will include:
Deposit Account Documents
• Membership
& Account Agreement
• Funds
Availability Policy
• Electronic
Funds Transfer Agreement
• Privacy
• Rate and
Fee/Truth-in-Savings Disclosures
• eStatements
• Change
in Terms Notices
• Annual
Privacy Policy Notices
• Account
and Transaction Alerts
• Future
Service Enrollments, Communications and Notices
• Annual
Tax Notices
3. Accessing & Signing Documents
Before obtaining products or services
electronically through the Credit Union, please carefully review and save or
print a copy of this consent for your records. At the time you request a
specific account product or service, you may be asked to sign and agree to the
terms of the account/service documents electronically.
4. Accessing Paper Copies
The documents and information provided to you
electronically will not be sent to you in a paper copy unless you contact our
Member Service department and request a paper copy of a particular document.
5. Your Right to Cancel
You have the right to cancel and withdraw your
consent to electronic document delivery at any time. If you wish to withdraw
your consent, you may do so by contacting our Member Service department at 231-733-1329,
or by sending us a message through Online Banking by clicking on Online
Services. Please allow a reasonable period of time to process your request.
6. Fees/Restrictions
There are no fees, penalties or account
restrictions for requesting a paper copy of any disclosure you received
electronically or for withdrawing your consent at any time.
7. Your System Requirements
You will need a computer or mobile device that
can access the internet, an email address, Internet service and a printer for
printing or computer storage such as a hard drive or thumb drive for saving
documents. Our service will support at least the current and immediately
prior version or release of major internet browsers such as Internet Explorer,
Chrome, Firefox and Safari. In addition, you will need a program that can
access and display documents in PDF format, such as Adobe Reader. Your
operating system must be adequate support these requirements.
We will notify you whenever we change or revise
these requirements.
8. Your Responsibilities
You certify that you are capable of retaining
and accurately reproducing the electronically delivered documents as electronic
records for any future reference. You certify you have provided us with your
current email address to which we may send electronic documents and
communications and you will immediately notify us of any changes in your email
address. We are not obligated to verify that you have received or can access
any account document. If we learn that you are no longer receiving email
communications (for example, an email is returned as undeliverable), we may
discontinue sending email communications. We will make a reasonable attempt to
redeliver your notification electronically.
9. Contacting Us
You may contact the Credit Union to request
paper copies, withdraw your consent or notify us of changes in your email
address. You may make changes by calling us at 231-733-1329, writing to us at 1888
E Sherman Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49444, or emailing us at newaccounts@bestfcu.org.
I consent to
accept delivery of account documents electronically by Best Financial Credit
Union and to the terms and conditions of the documents listed above.